Unconditional Drawing #9

created bybustavo

owned byZops

created bybustavo

owned byZops

Unconditional Drawing #9


Project #21700 — iteration #9

Minted on November 23, 2022 at 19:03

This project was born after a visit to the Bright Moments event workshop with Casey Reas and Zach Lieberman in Mexico City which was titled: "Conditional Drawing".

During the workshop we teamed up with other participants and created drawings based on rules set by Casey & Zach.

On the last exercise we created our own rules and began executing them until we finished the drawing.

The drawing had 4 rules:
1. Participants take turns drawing a circle.
2. Circle should be drawn with less-dominant hand
3. Participant flips coin and draws circle on left/right side.
4. Participant decides if next circle should be larger/smaller.

I decided to create this generative piece based on this exercise. My experience attending the workshop was brief and unplanned but very enriching in terms of the people I got to meet in that 3 hour span and getting to meet both instructors whose work I've had admired since I began creative coding with Processing.

The variations on this piece play a bit with the what-ifs around the drawing exercise:

— What if we had teamed up with less people? What if I had done the exercise by myself? ( Amount of participants )

— What if we had more or less time resulting in more or less turns drawing? ( Amount of full or partial turns to draw circles )

This piece analyzes the possibilities representing what could have happened around the same event if conditions would have been a bit different but maintaining the same set of rules.

80% of proceedings will be donated to the Processing Foundation to whom I am very thankful for all of what they've done / do / will continue to do for creatives and artists including myself.

Minted Price1 TEZCreator
Lower is rarer
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