I drew my first 8x8 pixel binary image on 11/08/2022 with 'iloveyou' encoded for my wife, it was our 10-year anniversary on this day. After that made this generative stuff for fxhash's birthday bash.
Donations: 25% to ThreeJs team
The image contains a binary coded word or phrase with a length of 8 characters. The grays represents 0, the other colors represents 1. One row -> one character. Should be proceed decoding from left to right and from top to bottom.
The fxrandom selects a word and the program converts it to binary data. After that, the background (ground and sky) is randomly generated from color schemes. Then the binary gray colors are drawn. Also the color of light next to null colors is randomly generated from color schemes. Random affects also the animation.
The animation stops when you do these interactions below, then restarts after a few seconds of inactivity.
Press spacebar to change:
- frame view -> without frame - without frame -> original 8x8px size - original 8x8px size -> frame view
Press 's' to save an svg from current view.
Notes: - Build with ReactJs and TweenJs - Every upcoming day, half of the remaining pieces are burned.
Happy Birthday fxhash community! I'm glad to be among you!