Resolution: Default image width = 2000px and aspect ratio = 4:3. Modify the image width between 2000px and 10000px by adding “&w=xxxx” to the url (e.g. &w=4000). High resolutions are computationally expensive and may take a while.
Background: The canvas background texture is visible by default. This can be toggled off by adding “&b=0” to the url. The background scales with resolution to mimic a bigger canvas so it will look different at different resolutions. At high resolutions a Moiré pattern may appear on the canvas background texture due to the way images are resized in the browser. It’s always recommended to download a full resolution version of the piece.
By KRANKARTA Created on Firefox desktop 105.0 on 2022-11-11 in javascript and GLSL. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0