Generative Fantasies: 101 Compositions #70

created byAleksandra

owned bynatch0xDealer

created byAleksandra

owned bynatch0xDealer

Generative Fantasies: 101 Compositions #70

375 TEZ

Project #20521 — iteration #70

Minted on October 20, 2022 at 18:00

This could be a follow-up to Herbert W. Franke's finding of interesting connections between Constructivism and Generative art, where at first, technological limits allowed only simple line drawings, based on fixed proportions, and later were extended by the use of random generators. Constructivism, as an art movement, sought to depict modern civilization, the symbiotic relationship between technology and art, industrialization, and urban spaces. Iakov Chernikhov (Яков Чернихов), an architect and graphic artist, was one of the influential figures in Constructivism. He extensively used the two-point perspective with an observation point below the ground in his drawings.

In this (my) exploration of two-point perspective, random, colorful, and glassy constructions visual resemblance to Chernikhov’s oeuvre is inescapable. Therefore the title is a play on the original title of his book Architectural Fantasies: 101 Compositions in Color, 101 Architectural Miniatures from 1933.

The subtle grain effect is done with p5.grain library by Gorilla Sun (@gorillasu) & meezwhite (@meezwhite).

Look out for the FOMO keyboard key to unlock more variations.

Minted Price10 TEZCreator
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