This generative token is my attempt at depicting the beauty of Chaos Theory and Strange Attractors, and more specifically the Clifford Attractor.
An attractor is a set of states toward which a system tends to evolve. When applied to visual arts, the Clifford Attractor produces shapes of fractal nature. Nearly infinite different shapes can be obtained, due to the nature of the equations defining the dynamic system.
This token will generate a random Clifford Attractor, stacked upon non overlapping circles. The circles serve a purpose of colouring the piece with a pleasing geometric grid-like structure. The diameters vary, adding some interest to the mint.
The rarity system is based on the number of circles and the number of colours depicted in the artwork.
The unpredictability and emerging nature of these structures has made this generative token fun to code, and is why this project exists.
To save a jpg file, press 's' on your keyboard after opening live (works only on a computer).