Your spaceship enters a wormhole and emerges in a distant solar system. The crew is surprised to find that the star system is full of metal plates, which may be the remains of a long-destroyed civilization. They soon realize that they are in an alien shipyard. The crew must find a way to escape before the aliens find them.
This NFT has 5 features with unique distributions:
"debris chunks": do the metal plates form chunks of shapes? "density": how many metal plates occur? "mirror": are the plates arranged in a mirrored fashion? "sun size": how big is the sun you are facing? "speed": how quick is the spaceship flying?
In addition, there are a lot of unique traits that have not been exposed as a feature, but still contribute to the overall scene and provide a distinctive style. For example each scene has it's own soundscape of composed ambient drones. Another one is a special color grading technique that is selected.
Some infos: - click the canvas or press h/i to get an info window (including FPS) - press "S" to toggle a mysterious samples setting - press "C" to toggle the chromatic abberation effect - press "M" to toggle music - press "+" to increase PPI for screenshots - press "space" to take screenshots (PPI * current viewport)
You need a good computer and a modern browser like Chrome to run this simulation with decent FPS.