Project #17668 — iteration #96

Minted on August 16, 2022 at 10:03

1240 random words are generated from the Love an Hate characters. When, by chance, these words are formed, they are marked with a circle and joined by lines. The word combinations are formed until two Loves or two Hates, or one of each, or up to a number that can be greater than 8 Loves and Hates and their respective graph of extreme feelings appear.

You can save an 8000x8000px image by clicking on "open" and typing J for jpg or P for png.

Made in P5js by Diego de los Campos under NFT License 2.0
10% goes to the wonderful Processing Foundation!

Minted Price0.85 TEZCreator
Diego de los Campos
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Lovehate #96 preview


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