You are the product of countless tiny decisions taken over the course of your life. Stitched is an attempt to visualize one’s current self as a product of the myriad forking paths available to us. It is best appreciated in animated format: the latent structure unfolds in time; the past gradually fades away, tinted and obscure.
Past decisions and missed opportunities leave a trail on the present. Psychology affects what you explore: drive controls how frequent one changes direction; indecisive mints explore many loose ends; balanced mints match complementary colours.
Stitched is adaptive to arbitrary screen resolution and aspect ratio, and best appreciated at high resolution. It initially renders with a large step size in time; pause and unpause to watch it unfold more gradually.
mouse click or space bar: pause / unpause / reset animation s: save current frame
Inspired by The Garden of Forking Paths by Borges and stylistically by French and Russian Impressionists, and Autoglyphs by Larva Labs.