"Natura" or Nature is an experimental 100% code generated artwork that combines an initial semi-abstract artwork and a processed state in a single piece.
TIP: Both states co-exist and you can switch by clicking on the canvas.
The overall composition is an abstract reference to nature (especially on mountains, sun and sea), a minimalistic textured painting approach in a "natural media - looking" final result.
Due to some size-sensitive calculations, rendering output may differ in different sizes.
- O: Toggle Initial artwork (on/off) - T: Toggle Thumbnail image (on/off) - S: Save a png file - H: Toggle a help dialog (on/off)
- Click: Toggle Initial artwork (on/off). (The same as the "O" key).
---- Made with p5js and custom shaders
ABOUT THE ARTIST Want to know more ? please read the "SHORT BIO" section here in "Emotions" collection: https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/22243