Project #26142 — iteration #64

Minted on March 28, 2023 at 00:27

BluePrints is an experimentation with fx(params).

It consists of various structural and environmental components that you can modify and co-create by adjusting parameters. Keep in mind that the final outcome will differ due to the use of a new hash for your mint.

Instructions and tips;

- You can easily discover different types of structures by utilizing the 'Architecture' and 'Style' parameters. Then, use the sliders below to refine the specifics.

- Inside the 'GiveMeColors' button, there are three distinct color palettes that are randomized and will change based on the hash.

- Similarly, the 'SurpriseMe' button features four different shader effects that are randomized and will change based on the hash.

- Once you decide the parameters, hit the ‘new hash’ button at least a few times to explore your possible mint outputs.

Any remaining mints will be burned in three days.

Made with p5js.
@distcollective, March 2023

Minted Price10 TEZCreator
This user set the params.
Lower is rarer
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