What we are looking at #104

owned byChewieShotFirst

owned byChewieShotFirst

What we are looking at #104

Project #26084 — iteration #104

Minted on April 21, 2023 at 04:21

This artwork was released for Here & Now 5th Edition: THE PASSAGE (https://hereandnow.events) an interactive experience powered by @fx_hash and where, as in life, your actions shape the outcome of the artwork you receive. The base concept of this edition is "The Pitch Drop": the longest experiment in history

The experiment demonstrates the viscosity of a liquid that looks solid, the pitch, which viscosity is 230 billion times that of water. It started 96 years ago and is still running. In all that time only 9 drops have fallen and nobody has been able to see the drop falling

It made me think about how the molecules of a liquid behave as humans, connected to each other by soft forces but clearly separated, and how in the macro and in the micro when you look close enough you can see that where there was one truly there were many

The experiment show the importance we give to measure things and how time can give us information about what we are looking at. The continuous flux segmented in seconds and days. The constant advance vs the subjective perception. How long does a blink last?

Every iteration shows a black and white composition of floating spheres or formless blobs as an undetermined amount of matter. The image has the qualities from a old print with a digital degradation expressing the passing time and the passing times.


'Mouse Drag' - View Rotation

The piece is rendered at the screen resolution. To render at different resolution add the following parameter to the url "?res=size" (being "size" the desired base width of the piece)

'm' - canvas save
1-9 - export with the pixels upscaled by the number. (To get "big" pixels)

Released on fx(hash) on March 20th, 2023
(c) Victor Doval; all rights reserved

Minted Price0 TEZCreator
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