"Loneliness". Is midnight.. the echo of silence and my faded memories in the empty room, make my loneliness my only company.
"Loneliness" is my first figurative (non abstract) generative artwork. It incorporates a custom (advanced) 3D modeler and renderer - shader made 100% with code in p5js (not an easy task and believe I ended up with a unique approach)
Here you may see a video from the process behind this collection https://twitter.com/Uniray_net/status/1642534620439748608
- Spacebar: Switch final shading - F: Toggle Faces - geometry triangles (on/off) - 1-2: Set resolution from 1x to 2x of the current dimension (possibly slower performance in higher values) - S: Save a png file with the current resolution
- P: Change orientation to Portrait (default) with aspect ratio 0.85 - L: Change orientation to Landscape - O: Change orientation to Square (box) Due to some ratio sensitive calculations, rendering output may differ when switching orientations
- Click: Toggle Faces (on/off) (Like the F key)
---- Made with p5js and custom shaders
ABOUT THE ARTIST Want to know more ? please read the "SHORT BIO" section here in "Emotions" collection: https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/22243