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Project #29748 — iteration #169
Minted on December 15, 2023 at 00:32Onchain
“Winesburg, Ohio” is an act of uncanny place-making. The collection borrows its name from a 1919 short-story cycle by Sherwood Anderson, which explores a peculiar cast of characters living within a fictionalized, midwestern town. Like Anderson’s text, the “Winesburg, Ohio” algorithm constructs a world through recurring portrayals of specific structures and landmarks. Its scenes are populated by a variety of familiar elements taken from my larger body of work, including water towers, houses, and churches. Meanwhile, a series of scripted gestures insert abstract compositional elements into the outputs, counteracting their pictorial legibility. The strange landscapes that result are composite ideograms, comprised of multiple spatial possibilities that co-exist in varying states of contradiction.
9 months ago