Project #26445 — iteration #4

Minted on April 5, 2023 at 20:04

Movie Posters
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I had this idea a couple of years ago when started to create my "portfolio projects" that I can showcase as an aspiring data scientist. At that time I created a webapp that scraped the movie posters based on the user input then applied k-means clustering to extract the dominant colors from the image and at the final step it created a list of colors and their respective hex codes. I remember showing this little project of mine at one of the job interview back then and I got hired.

Few months ago, when I started to discover generative art as my new artistic hobby, I revisited this project and wanted to create something nice that I would like to showcase. Then I started to jot down my ideas and discovered different ways to visualize values and colors. Finally I ended up scraping 200 movie posters and using a k-means clustering to extract the dominant colors from the images in python. I saved the data in JSON and started to work on the visual part. When I started to discover artists using isometric views, I really fell in love with the idea to apply it to my project as well. With the coding almost finished, fxhash came out with fx(params) which I really liked as an idea and immediately wanted to utilize. So I had to go back and change my code a bit, but it is finally finished.

Hope you find a good combination for your own movie poster!

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Background mode: [day, night]
Line style: [relaxed, chaotic]
Number of clusters: [5,6,7,8,9,10]
Cluster height: [1,2,3,4,5]
Cluster order: [Biggest is at the back, Shuffled]
Frame: [True, False]
Text: [True, False]
Annotation: [None, Palette, Palette + Hex Code]

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In addition to the Params, there is Title and Release Year for the Movies.

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Press [s] to save captured image in high resolution
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(c) 2023 by mr_jezy

Minted Price3 TEZCreator
This user set the params.
Lower is rarer
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