"Colorific" is a generative (100% code) abstract artwork of mainly colorful shapes, transformed and mixed in a final natural-looking media result. Vivid colors were used where was possible with the exception of the rare gray scale items and some algorithmic randomly based, less colorful options.
Technically, p5js graphic elements, shapes, etc drawn in a graphic buffer, processed by a custom fragment shader to their final result emphasizing in rich colors, random directions and texturing. All are pure code, no images used.
KEYS: - 1-4: Set resolution from 1x to 4x of the current dimension (possibly slower performance in higher values) - S: Save a png file with the current resolution
Due to some 1:1 ratio sensitive calculations, rendering output may differ in the various sizes
---- Made with p5js and custom shaders
FEATURED WORKS "Emotions": https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/22243 "Aerial": https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/25119