Project #29036 — iteration #200
Minted on September 27, 2023 at 17:47
θ (theta) is a fundamental metaphor underlying the creation of digital imagery.
Born from chaos/order,
Measurements or drawings of disorder/order,
Repetitive measurements/drawings,
Until it draws its own light and shadow, possessing its own time.
When W. J. T. Mitchell discusses the concept of "digital imagery" and references a mythological figure, Urizen, who appears in the works of William Blake. Mitchell states:
"Urizen represents measurement and division, drawing the circumference of the world and delineating the boundaries between light and darkness, serving as the sacred rational architect fundamental to the visible universe."
— " Image Science: Iconology, Visual Culture, and Media Aesthetics " Chapter 11, by W. J. T. Mitchell.
From William Blake's portrayal of Urizen, I sense a central figure in the creation of the world's myriad forms, one immersed in calculating the incalculable, measuring elusive patterns, and tracing the vortex of ever-flowing boundaries.
In my view, this represents the ongoing collaboration between humanity and computer today.
In mathematics, θ (theta) typically represents an angle on a plane. Through calculations involving points, lines, and angles (with the assistance of computers), we can create an almost infinite array of shapes. For me, at this level, θ has become a fundamental metaphor underlying the creation of digital imagery.
In this artwork 'θ', I attempt to connect the metaphorical aspects of mythology with mathematical calculations, imagining myself as a cartographer of creation, striving to capture the fissures in image generation.
However, this also signifies that I cannot create anything outright; I am always an individual trying to master the elusive calculations. Only be continually captivated by the corporeal perception and temporal characteristics of digital imagery.
[Key] commands
〘P〙 - pause / continue drawing
〘S〙 - save image // (keep Drawing)
〘1〙〘2〙〘3〙〘4〙 - get higher res image // (Stop Drawing)
-The display on mobile devices may vary slightly, and it is recommended to open live view on a computer for the best experience.