remnants of the fierce snake #9

created byAliaK

owned byREINDL

created byAliaK

owned byREINDL

remnants of the fierce snake #9

Project #11751 — iteration #9

Minted on May 19, 2022 at 10:55

this abstract, animated drawing is an updated version of my older 'traces' drawing, for the Fierce Snake (Oxyuranus Microlepidotus, also known as the Western Taipan), who likes to hide (often in plain sight), despite being the most venomous land snake. the skeleton segment remnant of this species is drawing and travelling through the blockchain. you see its traces, every now & then it disappears completely, its trace may reappear after some time

the drawn lines are reminiscent of cracks in the earth from its physical environment, as well as fingerprints, to represent our human connection to this (and other) species, and our part played in its extinction (in nsw)

experimental animated drawing ::: best viewed over time to let the drawing unfold
you may need patience and a keen eye to see the story of this species
made in p5.js, WEBGL (2D + 3D)
part of my specture series

Minted Price1 TEZCreator
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