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data as landscape #1

created byAliaK

owned byAliaK

created byAliaK

owned byAliaK

data as landscape #1

Project #13124 — iteration #1

Minted on May 18, 2022 at 10:42

data as landscape
::: this drawing is created using api data from tzkt, as text, plus the name of the numbat, an extinct species in NSW, to draw speculative & abstract landcapes inside the blockchain, using the blockchain metadata to create forms
::: the species' name is merged with the blockchain metadata, in a poetic and speculative manner
::: part of my specuture series / body of work
::: made in P5.JS
::: highly experimental - the api data seems to be available at time of original minting, though this drawing may break in future (for new mints) if the api is blocked or structure changes
::: preview may differ slightly from work and fullscreen mode
::: this drawing may take time to generate
::: the blockchain metadata selects colours, scaling and other control-decisions, as an attempt to see what the blockchain material/metadata could look like in abstract form
::: 18/05/2022

Minted Price1 TEZCreator
Metadataopen in new tab


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