Project #0xbe77AB0D561211162b42a2Fe60017CC95C6938D5 — iteration #55
Minted on September 17, 2024 at 17:35Base
Exploring "cellular automata" algorithm in many scales, connecting many layers of data in one geometric abstraction called One More Automaton as tribute to the one more "cellular automata" code implementation into abstract parametric digital art aesthetics. The topic of artist`s research inside the code structure is generative color model which is generating new 8-color pallet and is unique for each new iteration.
- "tap" or "mouse click" on screen to rebuild variation
- "Open Image in New Tab" to "Save Image As" 4320*4320px PNG with standard right click menu of the basic browsers as Chrome or Firefox.
*use browser zoom to scale the pan for preferred detail level
**the piece is experimental, no glitches inside but functionality is limited
- "tap" or "mouse click" on screen to rebuild variation
- "Open Image in New Tab" to "Save Image As" 4320*4320px PNG with standard right click menu of the basic browsers as Chrome or Firefox.
*use browser zoom to scale the pan for preferred detail level
**the piece is experimental, no glitches inside but functionality is limited