Project #0xC765445f086172fFFa58F198b7Eb042BB13D948b — iteration #197

Minted on December 7, 2024 at 08:59

The world used to shimmer with the unknown, an ever-changing tide of colors and shapes that whispered of unseen possibilities. But now, those whispers are silent. The unexpected has become familiar, the extraordinary reduced to the mundane. In a landscape where nothing shocks and wonder no longer stirs, what remains?

"where awe fades" journeys through the internal landscapes of a mind no longer capable of surprise. The patterns before you, swirling and intricate, should provoke awe, but they don’t. They move like echoes of emotions you’ve felt too many times, their colors vibrant yet devoid of meaning. The once-chaotic beauty of life’s design now plays out in slow, predictable loops, like watching the same sunrise again and again, each time knowing exactly how it will end.

Beneath these layers of familiarity lies a quiet truth: when the world can no longer surprise you, it still continues to exist. The unknown becomes the known, but the patterns keep shifting. Though nothing new seems to come, the world does not stop its motion. It is a paradox, a space where curiosity has faded, yet the intricate dance of the universe remains as alive as ever, indifferent to your lack of wonder.

Perhaps, in this stillness, there is something to be found. Or perhaps not. But even in the absence of surprise, the journey continues, weaving its endless, hypnotic tapestry.


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Rob Scalera | 2024

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