Project #0x579E8DbC85C5ddd98EEbEdBDbBc13EC61E151b74 — iteration #9

Minted on January 16, 2024 at 15:05

Dreams can often be confusing.
Particularly when we've just woken up and can only recall them in vague, fragmented pieces. As we try to remember what occurred during our slumber, we often struggle to form a clear, overall picture. Those scattered scenes not only cause confusion about our dreams themselves, but through consistent introspection, they gradually blend with our perception of reality.

As I delved further into dream research and the associated neurological phenomena, I developed a deeper understanding of my own dreams. As a result, they took on a heightened sense of clarity and I occasionally have instances of lucid dreaming.
These experiences have made it increasingly challenging for me to distinguish between dream memory and reality. Eventually, I reached a point where everything - the code, the outputs, my dreams, and my waking life - began to merge into one big, surreal mess.

The creation of "Oneiric Places" helped me s̶o̵r̷t̸ ̶through this mess, and eventually it felt like a logical step to integrate my dream reports into the code in some way. So, similar to how the dreaming brain melds memories and events from our w̷̄aki̴̋̿n̶̉g̸̐ life,̵̾ ̵I've incorporated encrypted entries f̴r̴o̵m̴ ̵m̴y̶ personal dream journal into the c̴o̸d̵ e̶ base. These dream r̴e̴p̵o̶r̶t̷s̸ ̶s̵e̶r̷v̷e̶ ̷a̷s̸ a dataset and ar e use__d t̵o̸ ̶m̴a̵n̷i̴p̶u̸l̴a̸t̷e̶ sp eci-fic--Vł₴Ʉ₳Ⱡ ɆⱠɆ₥Ɇ₦₮₴ ₩ł₮Ⱨł₦ "Ø₦Ɇł&Ɽł₵

W̸h̷a̸t̷ ̴f̴u̴n̷d̷a̶m̴e̷n̸)--t̴a̵l̴l̵y̶ ̷₴Ɇ₮₴ ₮Ⱨł₦₭ł₦₲ ̸a̶p̵a̷r̸t̴ ̸f̵r̷o̴m̷ ̸d̷r̴e̸a̶m̴i̴n̶g̶÷?


Key commands:
1 = 3.6K with texture
2 = 6K with texture
3 = 12K with texture (Safari on Mac only)
4 = 12K w/o texture (Safari on Mac only)

f = Adaptive mode (fullscreen)

j = jpeg current resolution
p = png current resolution

Mobile: Double tap on canvas to save a jpeg.


For the 12K export, proper rendering is only ensured when using Safari on Mac. In case the site crashes, close all other applications and retry. If you’re not able to render in 12K on your device, please get in touch (@pxlshrd on Social Media and Discord).

Please note:
- The loading animation is optimized for Apple Silicon and Chrome. The timing and flow of the animation may vary on other devices, depending on their processing power.

- The Adaptive Mode has a slightly altered appearance compared to the default aspect ratio.

- The code was tested on Mac Apple Silicon/Windows/iOS/iPadOS with consistent results throughout.

- The live view on Android devices slightly deviates from those on the systems mentioned above.


Created with p5.js and GLSL shaders.



Minted Price0.06 ETHCreator
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Oneiric Places #9 preview


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