0 ETH (Base)30/30 minted
Project #0x31F9d345d099344196c108bec7cB80b7C623Ce03
How could this project have happened if I didn't work hard!
I am "Arts of Chet", a Thai artist who has been painting by hand for over 30 years.
And this is my 30th anniversary.
The emotional beginning from the ink on the brush tip to the canvas. Today I have created the generate art with code project, my second project on ETH (Base).
From my experience working with all forms of art.
The canvas of this project in code is full of abstract lines from my life experiences.
My artist life is like a weaving of threads that connect and overlap in layers.
All these activities give a feeling of softness and gentleness, but at the same time there is a strength in the connection of things together, such as ideals and ideas.
It is both contemporary and modern art at the same time.
Reflecting my long career as an artist.
The beauty that can be felt is more than what the eyes see.
If you touch the layers of color with your heart, you will find it very beautiful in your collection.
Made with code P5.js 2024
By Arts of Chet
I am "Arts of Chet", a Thai artist who has been painting by hand for over 30 years.
And this is my 30th anniversary.
The emotional beginning from the ink on the brush tip to the canvas. Today I have created the generate art with code project, my second project on ETH (Base).
From my experience working with all forms of art.
The canvas of this project in code is full of abstract lines from my life experiences.
My artist life is like a weaving of threads that connect and overlap in layers.
All these activities give a feeling of softness and gentleness, but at the same time there is a strength in the connection of things together, such as ideals and ideas.
It is both contemporary and modern art at the same time.
Reflecting my long career as an artist.
The beauty that can be felt is more than what the eyes see.
If you touch the layers of color with your heart, you will find it very beautiful in your collection.
Made with code P5.js 2024
By Arts of Chet
Price0 ETH (Base)Minting opens(2)Royalties15.0%(2)Tags
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