0.004 ETH (Base)1/1 minted
Project #0x593072827738ea1628E6E4677bc338CB330cDf22
This is an exploration in the potential of quantum physics and wave functions to create an abstract artwork. This artwork is fully developed using p5js (100% code).
There are 12 types of waves and functions with different structures that can be observed. This artwork has various color palettes and two canvas dimensions with different report dates and IDs. I suggest you use google chrome to view the animation better and faster.
To see the artwork in full size, It's highly recommended to open it in live mode.
You can save the artwork by pressing 's' in live view after render was completed.
There are 12 types of waves and functions with different structures that can be observed. This artwork has various color palettes and two canvas dimensions with different report dates and IDs. I suggest you use google chrome to view the animation better and faster.
To see the artwork in full size, It's highly recommended to open it in live mode.
You can save the artwork by pressing 's' in live view after render was completed.
Open editionsUntil Price0.004 ETH (Base)Minting opens(2)Royalties0.0%(2)Tags
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