Chris McCully

Somewhere In Between

Chris McCully

Somewhere In Between

20 TEZ

256/256 minted

Project #29021

Published on

Does entropy across time look the same in a universe different to ours?

The universe is full of potential energy, recognized as a difference across some scale. Differences in pressure, temperature, state, all act in pursuit of equilibrium. Given enough time, a closed system will eventually fall into an even dispersal. Somewhere in between is some yet-to-be-determined point at which beautiful unexpected forms emerge.

This system takes the standard model of equal exchange and throws it off balance, so each reaction will randomly decide which side has an advantage over the other, and instead of dispersal, one force will win out.

In this system, do similar complex patterns appear? Will we see anything new that doesn't appear with our usual rules?

I found this idea very interesting, that even with no law towards chaos, actually the opposite, we can still end in formlessness. A blank end where no pixel differs from another.

I think that through observation of the world and experimenting with its concepts, we can learn far more about life than just the processes we're studying.

I'd be very curious to hear about what you take away from the work, and where your somewhere might be <3

Press the space bar to add another step toward chaos
Press ‘p’ to add 10 steps (enters mode 2)
Press ‘f’ to enter an animation that will run for 1,056,993,066,125,486,216,810,417,723,659,732,792 years
Press 'f' again to pause
Press ‘a’ to add a new section of order to the system, you can use this when one state has taken over the canvas

Press ’s’ to save a png
Press ‘1’ or ‘2’ to begin render between the default 3200x4000px or 6400x8000px

Created by Chris McCully using p5.js, chroma.js, and GLSL.

Built to run best on Chrome and Chromium based browsers.

Price20 TEZMinting opens(1)Royalties15.0%(1)Tags
pixel pushing





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