2 TEZ16/16 minted
Project #16556
Our xemantic collective applies philosophy to facts about the world.
We consciously operate within realms of the value systems. Logical values when we write the code to speak with machines, ethical values when we write the code to improve well-being of sentient creatures (or at least make them suffer less), aesthetic values when we write the code poetry to please our own brains. The code is never conceived in the vacuum. We are happy, and feel privileged, to write one outside capitalist frameworks of demand and supply. Still culture and pop-culture guides this traversal across the network of our associations.
The emergent #sailormooncore 1 system was born without the reason, in the infinitive space, as a glitch in the The Mathematics of Perception:
Check the description for this one, if you want to understand the process behind.
Nevertheless, as generative art is highly conceptual, here is the code behind everything you see in the #sailormooncore system:
uniform vec2 k,l;uniform float m,n,h,v,w,x,o,y,e,p,z,q,r,A,B;mat2 s(in float a){return mat2(cos(a),-sin(a),sin(a),cos(a));}float f(in vec2 a,in float b,in float c){vec2 d=mod(a,1.)2.-1.;float g=length(d);return smoothstep(b+c,b-c,g);}void main(){vec2 b=(2.gl_FragCoord.xy-k)/m;vec3 t=vec3(0);float j=o;vec2 d=bn;d=s(v);for(int g=0;g<10;g++){vec2 c=d-l;d*=s(w);float u=(float(g)+.5)/float(10),i=u-r,a=p+iiq;vec3 C=vec3(f(c-bha,e,a),f(c,e,a),f(c+bha,e,a))j;d+=bf(c,eA,B)z,d=x,t+=C,j=y;}gl_FragColor=vec4(t,1.);}
This system is using the shader-web-background library:
Our own creative coding environment, designed to fit conceptual work like this into a single tiny HTML file, resulting in a very high compression ratio of this real time video synthesis.
Julie Amouzegar and Kazik Pogoda
the cerebral siblings of xemantic
We consciously operate within realms of the value systems. Logical values when we write the code to speak with machines, ethical values when we write the code to improve well-being of sentient creatures (or at least make them suffer less), aesthetic values when we write the code poetry to please our own brains. The code is never conceived in the vacuum. We are happy, and feel privileged, to write one outside capitalist frameworks of demand and supply. Still culture and pop-culture guides this traversal across the network of our associations.
The emergent #sailormooncore 1 system was born without the reason, in the infinitive space, as a glitch in the The Mathematics of Perception:
Check the description for this one, if you want to understand the process behind.
Nevertheless, as generative art is highly conceptual, here is the code behind everything you see in the #sailormooncore system:
uniform vec2 k,l;uniform float m,n,h,v,w,x,o,y,e,p,z,q,r,A,B;mat2 s(in float a){return mat2(cos(a),-sin(a),sin(a),cos(a));}float f(in vec2 a,in float b,in float c){vec2 d=mod(a,1.)2.-1.;float g=length(d);return smoothstep(b+c,b-c,g);}void main(){vec2 b=(2.gl_FragCoord.xy-k)/m;vec3 t=vec3(0);float j=o;vec2 d=bn;d=s(v);for(int g=0;g<10;g++){vec2 c=d-l;d*=s(w);float u=(float(g)+.5)/float(10),i=u-r,a=p+iiq;vec3 C=vec3(f(c-bha,e,a),f(c,e,a),f(c+bha,e,a))j;d+=bf(c,eA,B)z,d=x,t+=C,j=y;}gl_FragColor=vec4(t,1.);}
This system is using the shader-web-background library:
Our own creative coding environment, designed to fit conceptual work like this into a single tiny HTML file, resulting in a very high compression ratio of this real time video synthesis.
Julie Amouzegar and Kazik Pogoda
the cerebral siblings of xemantic
Price2 TEZ(2)Royalties20.0%(2)Tags
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