Amy Goodchild

Matter Waves

Amy Goodchild

Matter Waves

10 TEZ

256/256 minted

Project #15434

Published on

If light, which is generally a wave, can also sometimes be a particle - then can matter also be a wave? Louis De Broglie suggested this idea, which is supported by performing a double slit experiment with matter particles and producing an interference pattern that indicates wave behaviour. Performing the experiment with one particle at a time also produces an interference pattern, implying the particles create interference with themselves. One way this could be possible is if the particle travels infinite potential paths simultaneously, super positioning itself in many places at once. If one electron can be in infinite places at once, is it possible that all electrons are that same one? More than thinking everything is connected, can we go one further and think that everything is the same thing?

'Matter Waves' super positions connections between constellated nodes, spreading them out through space in multiple ways - an aesthetic exploration of these ideas.

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PriceDutch auction TEZ 80->40->20->10changes every 10 minutesAuction starts(1)Royalties10.0%(1)Tags
quantum physics


Artist disabled the exploration of variations after minting phase



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