3.21 TEZ90/321 minted
Project #19088
Colorful compositions of straight and curved lines constrained within subdivided panels.
By Matthijs Keuper aka @codeandwood Sept 2022 license: CC BY-NC
The output is created as an SVG file.
Press S to save as SVG, P to save as png (4000 x 4000px) Add ?size=6000 to the url to render to 6000x6000 pixels if you want to save a higher-res png. Or use any other size.
Unfortunately, the live version won't display correctly in Safari browsers.
By Matthijs Keuper aka @codeandwood Sept 2022 license: CC BY-NC
The output is created as an SVG file.
Press S to save as SVG, P to save as png (4000 x 4000px) Add ?size=6000 to the url to render to 6000x6000 pixels if you want to save a higher-res png. Or use any other size.
Unfortunately, the live version won't display correctly in Safari browsers.
PriceDutch auction TEZ 9.87->7.65->5.43->3.21changes every 10 minutesAuction starts(1)Royalties15.0%(1)Tags
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