4 TEZ232/232 minted
Project #15673
In this work I tried to convey the idea of a landscape (many landscapes) with hills, trees, grass, bushes, skies and clouds. As is normal on fxhash I have accomplished all this by writing the code that generates the elements in a scene.
While writing the code to obtain these landscapes I did not try to reproduce landscapes seen in reality or in photography, rather I followed from time to time ideas of landscapes that came to my mind as a sort of lucid dream. I hope I managed to convey this idea of a landscape that is halfway between reality and fantasy.
Lands and Clouds are rendered using a mix of simplex noise and FBM (Fractional Brownian Motion), trees are generated with recursive functions an placed using Poisson Disk Sampling distribution. The distribution density could be homogeneous (land heightmap drive the density) or biased to have more density towards the top, bottom, left or right of the land.
Developed with p5.js using WEBGL renderer.
Rendering is faster with chrome browser.
[1] to render at 1600x1600
[2] to render at 2400x2400
[3] to render at 3200x3200
[s] to save a png at last rendered resolution.
"LandPalette": 20 colormaps
"TreePalette": 20 colormaps
"Light": Morning, Evening, Night
"SkyColor": Blue, Azure, Turquoise, Gray, VioletRed
"Haze": True, False
"Rainbow": True, False
"Grayscale": True, False
"TreeDensity": Homogeneous, Top, Bottom, Left, Right
Created by Andrea Belloni, fxhash: anbello, twitter: @Waterflowing0. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see LICENSE.txt for more information.
While writing the code to obtain these landscapes I did not try to reproduce landscapes seen in reality or in photography, rather I followed from time to time ideas of landscapes that came to my mind as a sort of lucid dream. I hope I managed to convey this idea of a landscape that is halfway between reality and fantasy.
Lands and Clouds are rendered using a mix of simplex noise and FBM (Fractional Brownian Motion), trees are generated with recursive functions an placed using Poisson Disk Sampling distribution. The distribution density could be homogeneous (land heightmap drive the density) or biased to have more density towards the top, bottom, left or right of the land.
Developed with p5.js using WEBGL renderer.
Rendering is faster with chrome browser.
[1] to render at 1600x1600
[2] to render at 2400x2400
[3] to render at 3200x3200
[s] to save a png at last rendered resolution.
"LandPalette": 20 colormaps
"TreePalette": 20 colormaps
"Light": Morning, Evening, Night
"SkyColor": Blue, Azure, Turquoise, Gray, VioletRed
"Haze": True, False
"Rainbow": True, False
"Grayscale": True, False
"TreeDensity": Homogeneous, Top, Bottom, Left, Right
Created by Andrea Belloni, fxhash: anbello, twitter: @Waterflowing0. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see LICENSE.txt for more information.
PriceDutch auction TEZ 20->16->12->8->4changes every 10 minutesAuction startsJune 30, 2022 at 19:50(1)Royalties15.0%(1)Tags
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creative coding
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