Collapsar Beauty

Inner Chaos

Collapsar Beauty

Inner Chaos

30 TEZ

191/200 minted
9 reserved

Project #24394

Published on January 29, 2023 at 14:26

Inner Chaos is about my personal struggles with anxiety and fear. Through this artwork, I attempt to visually represent the complex and often overwhelming emotions that I experience on a daily basis. It is a reflection of the cyclical nature of my thoughts and feelings, and the ways in which I try to make sense of them. But as I delve deeper into my own personal experiences, I realize that in the end, internal chaos should not be controlled, but accepted.

This artwork is my most personal, as it reflects my innermost sensations. It is a reminder to myself and to others that it is okay to not have everything under control, and that it is important to allow the uncertainty and unpredictability of life. I hope that it will resonate with others and provide a sense of connection and understanding. It is a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles and that it is important to embrace our own imperfections.

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PriceDutch auction TEZ 120->100->80->60->30changes every 5 minutesAuction startsFebruary 1, 2023 at 17:00(1)Royalties15.0%(1)Tags


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