Future News

by KT1CWwmpMwiD3oADWtFU6jNFeytV35gk8qVL

How to use fx(params)

Example seed



Minting instructions

The generative token will present you with an automatically generated collage containing images and “Lorem ipsum” placeholder texts. By clicking on the “params” icon, you can begin to design your own speculative newspaper cover by changing the foreground, midground, and background image, by adding a colour background and/or changing the colour of the frame. You can also add textual information, including the date, the title of the publication, the headline and the subheading.

Alongside the design parameters, you are presented with a set of “assumptions” — the climatic parameters within your future news scenario. These include: “Level of Decarbonisation”, “Temperature Rise”, and “Cost of Climate Damages”. These parameters generate creative effects, such as video animations, glitch effects, and colour casts, as a way of figuratively interpreting and inscribing the data upon which climate-changed future scenarios are projected onto your publication's cover.


Dobrowolska and Ormond-Skeaping’s “Future News” (Generative Web3 tokens) will be launched as part of the “Future Perfect” exhibition at the FotoDoks Documentary Festival in Munich, Germany. It is the artist’s first generative work on the blockchain and fxhash platforms. The project was initiated as part of a research fellowship- Web3 for the Arts and Culture (WAC), supported by We Are Museums and the Tezos Foundation.

All proceeds from this project are dedicated to supporting the programming of activities as part of The Loss and Damage Collaboration's Art and Culture Program. The program brings together cultural and creative practitioners and socio-technical researchers working on Loss and Damage to explore the role that artists can play in addressing and raising awareness of the need to address Loss and Damage from climate change.

Future News (2023)

Edition of 422 Unique Generative Newspaper Covers —reflecting the parts per million of carbon dioxide present in the Earth’s atmosphere upon the day the project was published.

(If not sold out, one work will be burnt each day until the edition is closed out.)

Reserves: 100


Concept: Lena Dobrowolska & Teo Ormond-Skeaping & Davide Ciacco
Developer: Davide Ciacco

