• 1Entangled editions exist across both Ethereum and Tezos blockchains.
  • 2You can collect Entangled on both chains or only one, the choice is yours.
  • 3Editions may be entangled (e.g., paired) across chains.
  • AUCTION DATE20 June, 2024 at 1 pm EST
  • COLLECTION SIZE512 editions total / 256 editions on Ethereum and Tezos each
  • AUCTION RANGE0.08 ETH → 0.075 ETH → 0.07 ETH → 0.065 ETH
    375 XTZ → 300 XTZ → 250 XTZ → 225 XTZ
  • AUCTION TYPEDutch Auction begins at 1 pm EST on Ethereum, at 1:10 pm EST on Tezos.
    5 minutes between each price change.
256 / 256
0.075 ETH


256 / 256
225 TEZ




Bjørn Staal's Entangled dives into the interplay between physical experience, digital interaction, and quantum mechanics through the mind-bending concept of entanglement. Pairing particle visualization with unusual modes of interactivity, Entangled showcases Staal's interest in the power of generative algorithms to connect the viewer to the underlying realities of existence.

This collection is presented by VERTEX, a generative art program designed to foster select collaborations between code-based artists and the fxhash platform.

Artistic Research

Entangled introduces an artistic perspective where science, web-based interactivity, and blockchain tech enter into a dialogue. The concept behind the collection originated with the launch of fxhash 2.0—a moment when the platform ushered in a multichain era. Entangled answers the question of how we, as platforms, creators, and collectors, facilitate access and artistic exchange in a multichain environment.

a Feynman diagram depicting how electrons produce a photon that becomes a quark-antiquark pair
a Feynman diagram depicting how electrons produce a photon that becomes a quark-antiquark pair

Quantum entanglement is a cosmic phenomenon where two or more particles are connected in such a way that the state of each particle can’t change independently of the others, however large the distance between them.

In other words, two entangled particles behave like twins—even if separated by galaxies—and can respond to each other’s actions. This mysterious, instant mirroring defies the limits of the speed of light and reveals the potential for communication via an unseen cosmic network.

How Entangled Works

Entangled features two distinct onchain NFT collections residing on two blockchains: Ethereum and Tezos. These collections are linked through shared interactions in real-time. Using cross-chain and local storage technologies, they enable a system for particles to respond and mirror each other in separate browser instances.

Each minted output is entangled, or paired, across chains. For example, edition #1 on Ethereum might be entangled with edition #50 on Tezos. Entanglements are established randomly and do not require the same collector to mint both editions—meaning that your edition might be paired with someone else’s. If you want to collect your entangled pair, you’ll have to establish a connection with the other collector.

The collection employs local data storage to manage the directions of entanglement across editions. This dynamic lets users directly interact with quantum entanglement: by simply adjusting, resizing, and repositioning their browser window, they can alter pathways and visual outcomes of the artwork.

Explore the artist’s full, open-source guide to the making of Entangled. Accessible to everyone, via GitHub.



17 – 22 SEPT 2024

Wintercircus, Miriam Makebaplein 2
9000 Gent, Belgium

Join us for the opening of Entangled, a multimedia robotics installation exploring the elaborate online series. The exhibition, which features the series in physical form, is produced in close collaboration with Wintercircus, an institute for creative technology opening to the public in September, 2024.

Programme details to be released soon.



bjorn staal

Generative artist, creative technologist, experiential designer—each term applies to Bjørn Staal’s career of pushing the boundaries of how digital art and technology illuminate, augment, and deepen our connection to the wonders of the human condition.

Staal’s early days in programming and web design led to his discovery that code can create art, which marked the start of his deep commitment to using technology creatively and far beyond the browser. While at Void, a design studio he co-founded, Staal focused on using light, audio, robotics, and other tangibles to bring digital features into the real world—often spotlighting interactivity.

Reflecting on the early days of Entangled, Staal’s fascination with interaction is front and center. "What if you have two NFT projects and somehow they can interact with each other?” Staal wonders. “I like interaction that's subtle and breaks conventions."

The lure of dynamic, interactive systems that illustrate deeper, often scientific principles is the key to Staal’s work. For instance, his previous installations such as Waveform, Photon, and C8 play with visual representations of classical physics and higher-dimensional shapes.

Staal's approach to the artistic process is deeply philosophical, influenced by his meditation practice, which emphasizes the fluid, impermanent, yet interconnected nature of reality—a vivid theme explored by Entangled. His work aims to provoke reflection on the underlying networks that shape our experiences. In essence, Entangled is an invitation to ponder on the complexities of our cosmically connected lives.

Vertex Logo


vertex / ˈvɜr tɛks / plural ver·tex·es, ver·ti·ces
  1. a core computer graphics primitive used extensively in
    generative art.
  2. a point in space, often where segments join to form a shape.
  3. the pinnacle of something; zenith; peak; highest level.

Introducing VERTEX, a new fxhash program designed to foster select collaborations between code-based artists and our platform. VERTEX aims to push generative art experiences beyond conventional limits, driven by technical excellence and peak innovation.

As an open platform for generative art, fxhash has always been a point in time and space toward which ideas gravitate. VERTEX allows us to work closely with artists on their ideas, providing them with the full suite of resources (technology, domain expertise, artistic feedback) at our disposal to fully realize their concepts without compromise.

Let’s say the quiet part out loud: the generative art market has taken a gradual turn toward numbing uniformity. Value extractive practices and a general lack of innovative thinking have drained both collector funds and artist interest. However, it’s far too early for this to happen — onchain generative art is a new phenomenon with fresh energy waiting to be activated.

VERTEX strives to revive the love for code-based art that’s at the center of our community by taking a more holistic view of building generative art experiences.

After all, a project isn’t just the creative code creating a sensorial impression. Its art must also encompass a diverse array of factors—how is it collected, presented, and interacted with? How are smart contract features built around and within the project to coax the most out of the experience—and how do these features support and create stronger onchain communities around digital art?

Through VERTEX, we’re excited to let artists lead the platform into uncharted waters. From the immense amount of artistic research, dialogue, and experimentation at the root of every VERTEX project, new ways of collecting, community building, tools, installations, exhibitions, and approaches to generative art will result.

All VERTEX projects will arrive fully open-sourced and accessible for everyone to learn from and build on.