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Mario Werner

Bauhaus - Art Based

Mario Werner

Bauhaus - Art Based

0.0039 ETH (Base)

285/285 minted

Project #0x3f05AF46cc6f099020b3ff5aB0C907aAEd329908

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"Bauhaus - Art Based" is a generative artwork that combines geometric shapes in the Bauhaus style with influences from Josef Albers. It blends the clear lines, precise forms, and functional aesthetics of Bauhaus with Albers' experimental color theory.

Geometric Shapes:
The work employs simple geometric shapes such as rectangles, squares, circles, and triangles, characteristic of the Bauhaus style. These shapes are systematically arranged to create a sense of order and clarity.

Color Theory:
The color design follows Albers' principles, experimenting with color gradients, contrasts, and harmonies to create optical effects. The colors can range from subtle and monochromatic to vibrant and contrasting, influencing visual perception.

Algorithmic Generation:
The artwork is algorithmically generated, using a program to determine the shapes and colors. This introduces a dynamic and unpredictable element, differentiating it from traditional Bauhaus works.

Composition and Rhythm:
The composition is based on a harmonious system that aligns with the strict order of Bauhaus while incorporating rhythmic repetitions and variations reminiscent of Albers' work. This creates a balance between static order and dynamic variation.

Interactive Elements:
The artwork features interactive components that allow viewers to randomly rearrange the layers of the piece by pressing the spacebar. This results in constantly changing visual configurations and highlights the dynamic nature of the work.

Overall, "Bauhaus - Art auf Base" is a modern and technologically advanced artwork that innovatively and visually compellingly combines Bauhaus principles with Josef Albers' experimental approach.

Price0.0039 ETH (Base)Minting opens(2)Royalties15.0%(2)Tags/




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