4 TEZ500/500 minted
Project #854
p5.js script
speed : 90% slow, 10% fast
color : 60% citrus, 30% black and white, 10% sunrise
background : 60% light grey, 35% yellow, 5% green
colors per curve : 85% 1, 15% 2
number of curves: 60% 40, 30% 20, 10% 80
wide: 80% false, 20% true
speed : 90% slow, 10% fast
color : 60% citrus, 30% black and white, 10% sunrise
background : 60% light grey, 35% yellow, 5% green
colors per curve : 85% 1, 15% 2
number of curves: 60% 40, 30% 20, 10% 80
wide: 80% false, 20% true