5.3 TEZ53/53 minted
Project #9838
Seeing mountains, are:
not mountains;
just mountains.
“Seeing is forgetting the name of the thing one sees.” - I forgot whom this was from.
But it’s also never something it's not. Your imagination is not mine. Nor mine yours.
「作畫必此畫定非知畫人」- 蘇軾
「然須知作此畫而竟不是此畫,則尤非畫人矣。其妙處總在旁見側出,吸取題神;不是此畫,恰是此畫。」- 袁枚
Painting is not exactly this, but yet precisely that. This code and that composition, both, all, neither, are mountains, really, are they not?
No mountain is not a mountain.
p5.js may take a good few seconds to paint.
Press 1 to save png, only for Chrome, not Safari. But if you wish you can try with Safari. It tries very hard to paint layer by layer. Preview images are compressed.
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Seeing mountains, are:
not mountains;
just mountains.
“Seeing is forgetting the name of the thing one sees.” - I forgot whom this was from.
But it’s also never something it's not. Your imagination is not mine. Nor mine yours.
「作畫必此畫定非知畫人」- 蘇軾
「然須知作此畫而竟不是此畫,則尤非畫人矣。其妙處總在旁見側出,吸取題神;不是此畫,恰是此畫。」- 袁枚
Painting is not exactly this, but yet precisely that. This code and that composition, both, all, neither, are mountains, really, are they not?
No mountain is not a mountain.
p5.js may take a good few seconds to paint.
Press 1 to save png, only for Chrome, not Safari. But if you wish you can try with Safari. It tries very hard to paint layer by layer. Preview images are compressed.
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0