0.5 TEZ32/32 minted
Project #9146
"Beansprout" is an experimental generative art piece that attempts to highlight some of the inherent contradictions surrounding the discussion of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and its place as a vehicle for artistic creation, artistic expression and the potential of remuneration for artists.
p - pause
s - screenshot
To the extent possible, the source code is dedicated to the public domain (CC0) and can be used for any purpose, even commercial, by anyone. All third party libraries used are libre/free licensed. Please see individual source files for their license information.
"Beansprout" is an attempt to critique the idea that, even if NFT art is a "fad", the resulting ideas explored or exposed from experimenting with new technology can lead to more
permanent ideas taking root and further innovation.
This work hopes to add to the conversation about examining the reality of the ecosystem that we've developed around digital goods and intellectual property.
"Beansprout" is inspired by the artist `loackme`.
p - pause
s - screenshot
To the extent possible, the source code is dedicated to the public domain (CC0) and can be used for any purpose, even commercial, by anyone. All third party libraries used are libre/free licensed. Please see individual source files for their license information.
"Beansprout" is an attempt to critique the idea that, even if NFT art is a "fad", the resulting ideas explored or exposed from experimenting with new technology can lead to more
permanent ideas taking root and further innovation.
This work hopes to add to the conversation about examining the reality of the ecosystem that we've developed around digital goods and intellectual property.
"Beansprout" is inspired by the artist `loackme`.