




22/22 minted

Project #28888

Published on September 14, 2023 at 12:42
Image composition

2by2by2 is my first proper entry into the world of generative art.

It consists of 2 colours, 2 rows, and 2 columns hence the name 2by2by2.

It is a square manually created digital artwork - no code, with 2 possible backgrounds 800x800px in size and 68 variable layers sized 400x400px.
The whole piece is divided into 4 quadrants in each quadrant there are 17 possible outcomes (8 black, 8 red and 1 blank/empty) all having equal chances of appearing in the final piece.

Overall there are 167.042 variations-posibble outcomes, but only 222 mintable.

The whole process of creation started with experimenting and playing with different artistic styles and effects in Corel PhotoPaint applied on a simple red square (400x400),
with a wish to see how a pure minimalistic piece can be transformed into something more complex and diverse without knowing or wishing what the final outcome will be.

So here is a basic explanation of what I did in the end.

Red square (RGB 224,0,0) 400x400px - 150dpi
Effect: Creative fabric
Style: Double exposure to - Needlepoint.... size 26; complete 100; brightness 26; rotation 305°
8 final outcomes: Each time rotated by 45°. Starting with 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°.....
Trimmed the excess "triangular" edges where needed so they wouldn't go over the edge of the quadrant and overlap the neighbouring quadrant.

When all this was done, I repeated everything but this time using pure black (RGB 0,0,0) square.
In the end created 4 different possible positions for each one so it fits in each quadrant perfectly. With that, I also enabled perfectly aligned outcomes, which refer to the minimalistic beginning of the whole project.

To make it more interesting I also made a blank transparent "square" for each quadrant, so in the end we can get a perfect minimalistic piece of art in the form of a pure black or red square

Created by Uzzy - September 2023
NFT properties:
Size 800x800px-(861x861px) -- 150dpi -- PNG -- 700-800KB

Price1 TEZMinting opensSeptember 15, 2023 at 10:00(1)Royalties10.0%(1)Tags
generative minimalistic stripes needlepoint black red abstarct geometrical square

2by2by2 preview

Artist disabled the exploration of variations after minting phase


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