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Mini Dahlias

Physical Mini Dahlias

Every iteration of this project can be redeemed 5 times
Base redemption cost is 25
Redeemable until

In celebration of the Burning Man festival I made a number of physicals for a friend to give away as gifts. Which inspired me to make this more widely available for everyone to mint and collect in real life.

Mini Dahlias is part of a large generative garden exploring the use of geometric shapes cut into discreet layers and stacked to form flowers set into geometric fields.

Each iteration contains a layers SVG blueprint that can be used to cut 14 distinct layers using a laser cutter. These layers once carefully stacked and glued form a beautiful 3D sculpture.

  • Format: 3.5 x 2.0 inches
  • 14 layers of laser cut acid-free, alpha-celluose matboard
  • Each layer is 4 PLY (1/16" thick)
  • Physical editions are signed & numbered
The iterations of this project can be redeemed to activate an event. Redeeming a token will not destroy it, and owners will keep the ownership of their token.

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