Marko Daniel Schönenberger

Seed Random Number Generator

Marko Daniel Schönenberger

Seed Random Number Generator


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Project #27835

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"Seed Random Number Generator"

The Hotkeys: 'B' 'C' 'D' 'G' 'S' 'E'

Quadrant 1 can switch between a full and quarter circle by clicking on it or pressing B-key. This is associated with the Monte Carlo experiment, which allows you to estimate 'Pi' with an accuracy of over 99%.

Quadrant 2 can center the point by clicking on it or pressing the C-key. This quadrant displays a random movement that tends to return to its starting point over time.

Quadrant 3 allows the experimental setup to be saved as an image by pressing the D-key or clicking on the quadrant. Here, you find statistics for a dice game, providing orientation during experiments.

Quadrant 4 allows you to switch to 'symmetric-view' by pressing G-key or clicking on the quadrant. Here, a Gaussian bell curve based on the generated random values is displayed.

By pressing the S-key, the function 'reset' is operated, starting the experiment again from the beginning.

The function 'new' is operated via the E-key, offering a new experiment with another 'seed'.

The seed-based random number generator (srng) is the heart of my artwork, which I realized only after delving deeper into it. This random generator is deterministic and produces pseudo numbers. The function is called 'srng()', where 's' stands for 'seed', 'r' for 'random', 'n' for 'number', and 'g' for 'generator'.

The functions of the random generator are explained in the program script! 'srng()' can be easily controlled with useful instructions. [The manual is written in the JavaScript script. Search for 'var do_manual = false' and set it to 'true' so you will get an introduction.]

What appears as art are test oscilloscopes for my random generator, with each quadrant housing an analysis oscilloscope. The oscilloscopes (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) have helped me to better understand what my algorithm was doing, improve it, and uncover program errors.

When the process is initiated and all oscilloscopes are functioning, their sight can evoke artistic inspiration. The composition of technical necessity, the realization of an idea, and the visual interplay can be regarded as art.

Quadrant 1 embodies the Monte Carlo experiment, which can be toggled between full-circle and quarter-circle. This experiment provides insights into the quality of distribution generated by my random generator.

Quadrant 2 exhibits a "drunken" movement style that drifts but eventually returns to its starting point. It wanders aimlessly around, as a random movement should.

Quadrant 3 provides helpful orientation during the experiments with a dice game and dice ranking. It indicates the probability of occurrence, aiding in making sense of the experiment.

Quadrant 4 presents a Gaussian bell curve based on the generated random values. This oscilloscope often immediately showed me significant errors in my development work and emphasized the importance of symmetry.

Finally, I have developed this "Seed Random Number Generator" for my art but also to share it with others. The entire project is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal license, which means that there are neither rights nor obligations. If you find this generator useful, please use it!

Best regards,
M. D. S.

Price4 TEZ(1)Royalties10.0%(1)Tags
Seed-based Random Number Generator
Seed-driven Random Number Generator
Seed-controlled Randomization Algorithm
Random Number Generator with Seed Input
Deterministic Seed-based Randomness
Pseudorandom Number Generation with Seed
Seed-based Randomness in Programming
Seed-based Random Algorithm Explained
How to Use Seeds in Random Number Generation
Implementation of Seed-based Randomness





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