0.5 TEZ48/48 minted
Project #26308
Epileptic trigger
-NOTE: Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated.
Caixes (boxes):
-8 to 24 rows.
-24 to 48 active boxes in each row (the length of each row is at least the double).
-Full boxes contains one of 8 possible sounds.
-Rows move in two possible directions and have diferent velocities and sizes.
-when two adjacent boxes have the same sound type, are full and diferent directions, the synthesizer for that sound is activated.
-when they are activated, there is a possibility that the two lines that contain the sound boxes, change their position.
"Show empty boxes": show(true) empty boxes.
"Dark Mode": Dark (true) / light (false) mode.
"Squares/Rects": Squares (true): height of boxes have the same value of width / rects(false) height of boxes fill all the space.
"Squares/Rects": 0 to 1-> thikness of vertical lines.
"Flash intensity": when two rows are swaped, a flash is activated. Intensity of this flash (low, mid, high)
"Frequency Range": Frequency range of sounds. (random, all, low, high)
"Wave shapes": Select unique wave shape for all sounds (sine, sawtooth, square, triangle) or all of them randomly assigned to each sound.
"cols": number of active boxes (in screen) for each row (24-48)
"rows": number of rows (8-24)
"check_frames": the boxes are checked every check_frames(8-28)
"same_freq": same frequencies for all rows
"ratio_full": ratio of full boxes over total boxes.
"avg_boxes": average boxes/row
"avg_velocity": average velocity,
"fx_prob": probability of sound effects (less is more),
"change_prob": probability of row swap.
-powered by p5js and p5.sound
-NOTE: Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated.
Caixes (boxes):
-8 to 24 rows.
-24 to 48 active boxes in each row (the length of each row is at least the double).
-Full boxes contains one of 8 possible sounds.
-Rows move in two possible directions and have diferent velocities and sizes.
-when two adjacent boxes have the same sound type, are full and diferent directions, the synthesizer for that sound is activated.
-when they are activated, there is a possibility that the two lines that contain the sound boxes, change their position.
"Show empty boxes": show(true) empty boxes.
"Dark Mode": Dark (true) / light (false) mode.
"Squares/Rects": Squares (true): height of boxes have the same value of width / rects(false) height of boxes fill all the space.
"Squares/Rects": 0 to 1-> thikness of vertical lines.
"Flash intensity": when two rows are swaped, a flash is activated. Intensity of this flash (low, mid, high)
"Frequency Range": Frequency range of sounds. (random, all, low, high)
"Wave shapes": Select unique wave shape for all sounds (sine, sawtooth, square, triangle) or all of them randomly assigned to each sound.
"cols": number of active boxes (in screen) for each row (24-48)
"rows": number of rows (8-24)
"check_frames": the boxes are checked every check_frames(8-28)
"same_freq": same frequencies for all rows
"ratio_full": ratio of full boxes over total boxes.
"avg_boxes": average boxes/row
"avg_velocity": average velocity,
"fx_prob": probability of sound effects (less is more),
"change_prob": probability of row swap.
-powered by p5js and p5.sound
Price0.5 TEZTicket Grace Period7 days(1)Royalties18.0%(2)Tags
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