3 TEZ100/100 minted
Project #13764
Origanimalia is a collection of randomly generated origami.
They are classified with scientific name and family. The number is the hue color and the square shows whether it is male, female or hermaphrodite.
Origanimalia es una colección de origami generados aleatoriamente.
Están clasificados con nombre científico y familia. El número es el tono de color y el cuadrado muestra si es macho, hembra o hermafrodita.
You can find an outputs preview in my twitter account.
's' save (9200x9200 hdpi)
'r' restart with new hash
'z' zoom to real size in browser
match background -> true/false (50% background color match with origami)
darkMode -> true/false (10% dark color)
rows -> up to 3. Highest rarest
cols -> up to 3. Highest rarest
total items -> rows*cols
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
They are classified with scientific name and family. The number is the hue color and the square shows whether it is male, female or hermaphrodite.
Origanimalia es una colección de origami generados aleatoriamente.
Están clasificados con nombre científico y familia. El número es el tono de color y el cuadrado muestra si es macho, hembra o hermafrodita.
You can find an outputs preview in my twitter account.
's' save (9200x9200 hdpi)
'r' restart with new hash
'z' zoom to real size in browser
match background -> true/false (50% background color match with origami)
darkMode -> true/false (10% dark color)
rows -> up to 3. Highest rarest
cols -> up to 3. Highest rarest
total items -> rows*cols
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0