Jimi Wen


Jimi Wen


10 TEZ

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Project #10585

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I started this work as an introspection to my comprehension on the book of Wumen Guan (無門關), the gateless barrier.

A question posed by zen master, Wumen Huikai (無門慧開), to whether there was a gate, at a given barrier, where one would wish to pass? There were, of course, infinite many ways to compose such a paradox.

As I explored through different forms and composition, the gates had become either hearts and/or eyes looking upon us. The barrier (關 guan), a type of blockade of something, effectively became a perspective, (觀 guan), the watching over of some things with love.

I realized, it was then trivial to debate whether and how such gates exist. And whether something in the sky was flying in and out of gates or non gates, is no more significant than if they were only the teardrops of someone, watching over us, cheering us on. The answer was a simple question of love.

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Price10 TEZ(1)Royalties15.0%(1)Tags/




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