S||M: Where Interactivity Becomes Free From Limits via On-Chain Possibilities
S||M is a series of artworks created in the form of a puzzle, and only a few individuals will be able to solve it. No specialized knowledge is required; the only essential element is effort and attention, which is the hardest to give these days. A hidden message is encrypted within these puzzles, which reveals itself only when every puzzle has been solved. No notification or acknowledgment will be given upon solving them—it’s up to you to figure it out. "S || M" stands as a conceptual artwork and meta-puzzle, prompting viewers to ponder questions about "Art". This artwork doesn’t composed to be something for you look and admire its beauty. Without the engagement and active thinking it’s dull, motionless and meaningless. The questions below serve as speculations arising from your interpretation of the elements of the artwork and the meanings embedded within the series' composition. Your approach to unraveling this artwork is entirely at your discretion; whether you view it as a challenge focus solely on deciphering the ultimate message or derive different meanings from your symbolic associations.