
Responsive Dreams 2024: Edu Prats

Welcome to Responsive Dreams interview series, where we dive into the imaginative minds of our featured artists. Today, we have the honor of sitting down with Edu Prats, a creative tech director & developer working at the intersection of generative systems, realtime graphics & interaction for installations and the web. He was an active member in the the creative coding scene of the early 2000s writing code sketches and tools for real time AV pieces using Macromedia Director & Flash (Lingo and Action Script), Processing (Java) and OpenFrameworks or Cinder (C++ and OpenGL). In the past 15 years most of Edu’s work was crafted using modern web technologies (HTML5, Canvas & WebGL) and Unreal Engine for a few projects. His interest in 3D graphics has pushed him to learn a little bit of Blender and Houdini in recent years, experimenting with the crossovers between realtime and offline rendering. He was one of the founding members and part of the curatorial team of Resonate Festival in Serbia, involved from 2012 till 2016 during the first 5 editions of the festival. Resonate brought together world class artists to drive a forward-looking debate on the position of technology in art and culture.

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