The Dirty Olive

Danielle Ken Perry

Greetings, loved one. I'm a 16 year-old bear in high school at Hudson High in the great state of Massachusetts. School only doesn't suck during 💘open period💘 which is when my teacher lets me pursue my art...because she knows school is kinda a drag for me (my dad is not crazy about my art/study hall stuff sadly😭). Anyway, my teacher knows how much art motivates me. This is about that. Here's a selfie I snapped below. Don't judge my 🌽 Elote. You know it kicks ass.


I'm on the subway right now. Listening to a podcast by Kenconsumer and munching on some corn. Have been trying to learn more about Punevry. I've been wanting to collect his pieces but pocket bread is important, right? Instead I recently bought an apple pencil...they keep talking about "Glass" on this podcast...I like this piece below a lot. The colors art enticing. My 9th grade English teacher says "enticing" a lot. I think she's trying to get me to build a "robust" vocabulary.

Here's a link to the podcast 'case there are some degen bears out dehr wanna listen with me 🐻

So, Punevyr has impressionistically doxed himself actually. He is supposed to look like this image below....this here is his first piece that he minted on fxhash. I'm actually working on my first fxhash mint during my open period in high school also. It's cool. I have been using the sandbox function goofing around with some algorithms. I don't really get it though. I think you have to be like getting a masters degree in cyber security just to stand a chance....there is some EZ template somebody made...but I don't know where I put it...and it looks hard as hell toooo.

So as I work on coding projects, I likes to listen to Katie Perry. If you don't like Katie, gtfo. Sorry but that's the way it is. I think I know all the words to this song. Also, my last name is Perry too, so we might even be related. Does she even NFT? I really don't know. She should though. If she minted something on fxhash, I'd lose it.

Actually, one of our Oso Gummy Brothers had a cameo in Katy Perry's Music Video. He's kinda a big deal.

So, I spend a lot of time collecting on fxhash and when Punevyr had his "Yard Sale," I was all over it. I thought it was really cool how these Polka Dots reminded me of Jim, my dalmatian. He was actually a fire-dog for the Boston Fire Department and not a very intelligent one. My dad told me he was actually quite useless and was going to get his brothers killed. I begged him to let me keep him and well, that's how I got Jim. Love you, buddy!!!!

Bahrull Marta is another one of my fav artists. I was going to get this print made into a shirt, but my dad said "definitely not" and took my iPad away for two weeks. He gets pissed when I wear black to school and he doesn't even like my black glasses. Not all art is roses and daffodils.

Oh yeah, here's the yardsale. Black and White :) love my generative dots.


Hmmm. I just learned about Tender from this podcast. Curation. I guess this is important to save time, right? I actually have spent hours and hours AND HOURS on fxhash roaming through all the works. And....on objkt.com I even use the "live" function which has made me a bit schizophrenic actually. So, what I have learned is that Tender provides a nice selection of art so I don't have to sift, sift, sift. Here you go. https://tender.art/icons . Here are some of the artists you can find out more on...

There are other bears like me. We are an artistic bunch. Come check us out and learn more about the metabears of Osos 2422.

I need to run. My PE teacher is making us run an 800 today and I'm wearing my doc martinos...which he hates...why people can't just chill. I can run in these anyway. He's going to make me change into tennis shoes. And I hate those.

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The Dirty Olive

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