Rotating System 01 - 5tz
Even though this is the lowest market cap of all three Rotating Systems, this was one of the first projects I couldn't stop coming back to over and over in the early days and months. This project brings wonderful animation that doesn't detract from the static thumbnail. Simple and lovely!
M-Tore - 6tz
This is the first time Volatile Moods caught my eye. But, I'll admit that even though I took notice, I was slow to pick this project up because it seemed almost too simple. Similar to Rotating System 01 above, I found myself continually coming back to this. But, why, it's too simple, right??? Nahh!!! It's perfectly simple and yet brings plenty of interest for each output. I do love flipping back and forth between M-tore and the latest project from Volatile, Rough Cuts, to see such a wonderful progression.
Sketching - 8tz
Other than the playable Rubik's Cube, this is the most affordable of Yi-Wen Lin's fx(hash) projects. Many are likely to see Sketching as a disappointing project as it still sits just under the original mint price of 10tz. I was always a bit more fond of this project than most others. They give me the feeling of airports seen from above at night. I particularly enjoy this interpretation on the tokens that have the Camera Tilt feature.
Hapna - 6.5tz
This, still, is my favorite of all of DistCollective's excellent set of creations. This is another project with fairly simple appearing rules that come together to generate outputs that are so much more than the sum of those inputs. The subtle interweaving of color such as in Hapna #46 shown here stops me cold every time I load it up.
Joy Division - 4tz
There seems to be a theme here with bargain projects being driving by those that you might initially criticize for being too basic. But, again, these simple rule sets come together to elicit feeling far greater than expected. If you weren't already aware, this was the initial account from DisruptedStar who continues to lite the secondary market on fire!
Planetary Abstract - 10tz
We're getting a little more complex now with nudoru's 20th (of 37!) published work on fx(hash).....quite the workhorse! There are actually several nudorus that could be added to this article, this being my personal favorite from those earlier days. I count myself very lucky to have this colorful token. Though, keep in mind, this project just barely makes the 10tz cut with only one token left at that price!
Sketchbook Splash - 7tz
Sketchbook Splash is far and away my favorite from teaboswell, and that is SAYING something! While ASSEMBLING MACHINE is currently tearing up the secondary marketplace, this is an iconic earlier work from the same artist. If you don't believe me, check out Kenconsumer's Arbitrarily Deterministic #015 podcast where I'm pretty sure Ken says something VERY similar. Combining a sketched style, water-colors, and perfectly balanced composition...this is the epitome of "chef's kiss" for me!
Chaospill - 5tz
This one is a bit of a wakeup call to me! If I hadn't walked through my collection, I don't think this one would have come to my mind. But, it certainly deserves to. What a combination between the algorithm and the colors, right?! It's no surprise then that KilledByAPixel would later go on to release a post-beta colab with none other than iRyanBell
Soragna - 6tz
There were quite a few options that I could have chosen from the quiver of Estienne, such as Simple Patterns (this edition of which is currently hanging on my wall and in view as I write this article). But, I thought I would share the beautifully blended layers of Soragna from an artist who has been putting in excellent work contributing to this community from the very beginning. I think I counted 33 sellouts from Estienne...Incredible!
Honorable Mentions
These projects just barely didn't make the Deegy's cut as they come in JUST over the 10tz limit. But, I wanted to make sure to mention them anyways!