
Beautiful Wings & Generative Things In Tezon's Multiverse

What makes Tezon such a marvel, is the multidimensional planes of it's physical realm and generative realms that exist in parallel. You need only a tez wallet & transaction to experience both. Here are some examples of the things you may do and what you might can see, for a tez transaction fee.

Fermi Paradox #33 Day

The realm of fermi paraodx is the most popular generative realm on Tezon. Many citizens spend most of their time here to escape the mainlands. Here you'll find generated beauty of all sorts, by day and night. Approx. 100 Tez

Ever wondered what it's like to fly with a dragon? Though expensive, you can generate your own dragon and fly unlimited heights, breathing fire with unlimited sights. Approx. 3,000 Tez

If you have a bright idea and prefer to be a bird yourself, experience the Epiphany, while flying you'll have new ideas and places to go. A joyous flight indeed, in search for seeds to eat and worms to chew, The Epiphany is one of the most recommended things to do. Approx. 275 Tez

Surprise your spouse with the beauty of the Suzaku, By far the most prestigious bird in the multiverse. Crowned with sparkling jewels and soaring heights. This bird has space flight experiences coded in and it's a real treat, usually reserved for honeymoons or special occasions. Approx. 5000 Tez per couple.

Sometimes you just want to observe the birds. In this case, you can generate an endless experience of birds flying in flocks. You can also play duck hunt with the kids. Don't worry if you shoot one, it will regenerate and have babies. Approx. 100 Tez

For those with a more daring spirit, can you become a mythologic dragon for a day. It is not recommended for amateurs because the spirit of the dragon has been known to trap citizens into a angry state in which they are never the same after this experience. Be careful..Approx 1000 Tez

There are endless places to go and things to do in the multiverse of Tezon, these experiences have a cost, and the average citizen spends alot of time earning tez to enjoy them. One of the easiest ways to earn tez, is playing games. These games can be generated for a small transaction fee, and must be solved within a certain time frame to recieve a tez reward. The fx apes engineered this, in order for everyone to have the ability to earn tez and keep both realms as decentralized as possible.

Lens of the lost puzzle is no doubt the most popular board game puzzle. Earn 5 tez if you complete the puzzle within 1 min. Think you can do it, Go ahead try it!..Did you win or lose?

Tympanic is a really fun game similar to tetris, you must match the colors and fit the blocks with out leaving a space. Earn 2 tez if completed without a mistake.

Hidden Sqaure is the most heart racing of all the games. You have 1 second to find the hidden sqaure and click it or you lose. Similar to a slot machine, you can lose your tez or win alot of tez if your eye is keen. Beware it's not as easy as it looks. Min. cost is .1 tez to play with 10x multiplier.

Sketchbook Splash is a fun way to earn for the kids, create your unique drawing and submit it for a chance to win tez, prizes ranges from 1-50 tez for the winners. There is no fee to enter this contest, must be 12 years old or younger..over aged wallets will be blacklisted.

Dotwork is the word puzzle of choice for the intellectual adults. A word puzzles is generated every 5 minutes. All connected wallets have a chance to compete for the top prize. Who ever reveals the most words within 5 minutes, wins 500-1000 tez. Cost is 1 tez to enter. If you lose, your wallet is added to the next round until a 24 hour period has ended. If you win, you can not participate again for another 24 hours. Good luck!

Clew is the most popular board game for family gatherings. You must have atleast five players to play. The object of the game is to guess what clew will reach the top of your screen first before it starts. The first to guess 5 clews correctly wins the game. You can play pvp (player vs player)but it's very difficult to win. Pvp mode cost 5-100 tez to play with a chance to win 10-200 tez per round.

A game your grandmother loves, is Poly Garden. A beautiful garden is generated you must find and kill all the bugs and weeds to keep the garden from withering away, tap the scrren to kill the bugs and weeds. You have only a few seconds. If you're waiting for an appointment and need to kill some time, this is the game! Free to play..earn .0001 tez per round.

Got a young boy? Get him an fxboy. This hand held unit comes with several games to keep him entertained. You may find yourself playing these games when he is asleep as they are nostalgic and addicting.

Zpritez are fun pixel characters on the fxboy that you can customize. They require the attention of the owner for feeding and playtime. If you neglect these zpritez they will crash your fxboy and fill it with bugs. They are alive and interactive so treat them kindly or else! ^/^

Grid Subdivision is a complicated game played by coders. It requires coding knowledge, the object is to comment out the code that will appear in random parts of the board. Code masters play this game to sharpen their skills. They insists that it is fun but...:(

This game is free to play. Win .1 tez for each round you are successful.

These are a just few of the common experiences in the multiverse of Tezon. This parallel world is what makes Tezon such a wonderful place to be. If you don't have alot of tez, you can escape to the multiverse and earn some tez, If you do have a lot of tez, you can enjoy the life of luxury on floating condos and apartments in the mainlands.

In the next showcase of the multiverse, we will visit the nft art museum. This is where the most valuable and historic artworks are held. Special thanks to all of the featured artists and thanks for reading.. enjoy!

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