Absorption spectrum
As explained in “Thermic simulation”, heated bodies emit a continuous spectrum meaning that all the colors combine to form the white light. When this kind of white light passes through something that will absorb some of the colors, the resulting spectrum is called “absorption spectrum”, meaning that not all the colors went through.
Alternative sequence
Sequence is a term used in astrophysics to describe the organization of the observed colors, luminosity, sizes and temperatures of the stars. When plotting the stars on a color/luminosity diagram (called Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams) they appear to be following some curves, with most of them following what is called the “main sequence” describing the history of the majority of stellar objects.
« A theory of General Instability » generates particles configurations following 8 predefined sequences (still leading to a gigantic number of variations) but also one sequence of totally random events for a random duration, this sequence is called “Alternative sequence”.
(Main sequence) (Hertzprung-Russell diagram)
From the ancient greek ἀποκατάστασις, a metaphysical concept developed through times by different schools of thought. The word is used to designate the idea of restoration to an original or perfect state.
Complex manifold
In mathematics, a manifold is the generalization of the idea that a curve is a one-dimensional object, a surface is a 2D object and a volume is a 3D object, to higher dimensions. Manifolds are studied as topological spaces and are also used as a language for physical and cosmological theories.
Many string theories are developed using high-dimensional complex manifolds, meaning that the reality could need between 6 and 13 dimensions to be described physically, using complex numbers.
(Manifold) (Complex manifold) (Calabi-Yau manifold) (Complex numbers)
Darkonium is play of words assimilating the current researches about « dark matter » and « dark energy » with the standard denomination of elements using the suffix -ium.
End of Greatness
The End of Greatness is a very large observational scale. The observable universe displays some redondant or fractal structures at different scales (stellar systems, galaxies, filaments) that tend do disappear beyond a certain size. The End of Greatness scale is around 300 million light-years (100 Mpc).
Entropy is a concept stemming from thermodynamics, that intrinsically describe the relation between order and time. Typically, when time progresses forward, all structures and organizations tend to disintegrate. This is also the measure of the energy needed to resist to the consequences of entropy law stating that disorder is meant to increase with time.
Exotic matter
Exotic matter is a general word used to describe all kind of « matter » that are not fully understood or still hypothetical.
Gravitational instabilities
Observing the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a way of validating cosmological theories. CMB appear to be a noisy picture of the first observable moments of our universe. This noise follows the black-body radiation spectrum of energies so there’s a heavy consensus that our universe has known a violent thermal explosion (Big Bang). But there are still many hypotheses about the spatial distribution of the CMB. One of the possible explanations for the noisy nature of the CMB is that small irregularities in the primordial matter distribution leads to a non-uniform distribution of gravity, that amplified through times to form all the structures observable at large scales like galaxies filaments.
(more) (Cosmic Microwave Background)
Isotropic and nonlinear refraction
Refraction is the physical phenomenon of curving the waves traveling through a medium.
In everyday life it is observed by putting a straw in a glass filled with liquid. The straw appears broken cause the light path is not the same in air than in the liquid.
Most refractive mediums also disperse waves, meaning that the angle or path of the waves through the medium depends on the frequency of the waves.
In everyday life this is observed by looking at rainbows in the sky or with reflections of light on glass at high incident angle.
The “isotropic refraction” color scale is simply a rainbow scale, translated by a factor to create unique scales, and could be the simulation of a universe made of a wave-dispersing medium, but totally homogeneous in every direction.
The “nonlinear refraction” colors scale simulates a dispersive medium that absorbs, refracts and disperses light in various ways, so that if observed directly it could be compared to an irregular rainbow in saturation and luminosity.
(Refraction) (Refractive index) (Nonlinear system) (Isotropy)
MOND stands for MOdified Newtonian Dynamics. This is an alternative theory to dark matter theories that could explain why stars on the periphery of spiral galaxies travel faster than predicted by standard newtonian dynamics.
Radiative transfer
Radiative transfer is a mathematical and physical description of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter. In many cases, electromagnetic waves can carry and transfer energy to matter through emission, reflexion, absorption, diffusion etc...
Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Symmetry breaking is a kind of phenomena where symmetric laws still bring asymmetrical outcomes. For example matter and its twin antimatter exhibits exactly the same properties but with opposite values. Physics models assume there should be the same quantity of matter than antimatter, yet we observe that matter dominates our observable universe.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking means that the original symmetry is broken during a process for which we currently know no origin, hence “spontaneous”.
(more) (Symmetry breaking) (Noether’s theorem) (Curie’s principle)
Thermic simulation
“Black body” is a physical concept describing a theoretically black object, meaning it absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation and the only emission comes from thermal phenomena. When heated matter radiates energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which spectrum follows what is called the “Planck law”.
This is easily observed in everyday life when heating a piece of glass or metal.
Under 600°C the vast majority of the light emitted by the heated body is infrared, but, starting around 500-600 °C iron will start to emit a red light and if heated more around 1000 °C the light turns from red to orange, then to yellow, then at higher temperatures to white. This is what happens in the visible spectrum.
The “thermic simulation” color scale simulates the hypothesis of a radially distributed thermal energy in the original medium of the simulation. There are 4 mean temperatures : 3200K, 4200K, 5700K, 9400K.
Current consensus is that the great recombination (the first visible event after the Big Bang) occurred at a mean temperature of 3000-4000K. Now, the CMB exhibits a temperature of 2.72 K.
(Planck law) (Blackbody radiation) (Kelvin temperature scale)
Tired light
Tired light is a series of hypotheses made to explain why galaxies appear to move away from Earth at speeds proportional to their distance (this is called the Hubble-Lemaître law) without needing to describe a universe in expansion.
When a car is approaching in the street, the sound of its motor seems to pitch higher and higher as it is closer, and go to lower frequencies when the car moves away. This is the Doppler effect with sound waves.
This effect is also observable with light waves, and objects that move away from us exhibits a “red shift”, their color shift to red as they move away. This is how we think that galaxies are moving away from us in every direction.
Tired light hypothesis proposes that light waves, instead of being elongated during their travel through space, just lose their energy during the trip, hence lowering the frequency of received light compared to its source.
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@HAL09999 – April 12th, 2023
🧡 DB, MC, CC, KJ, IW ✨✨✨